November, 15th , thuersday
03.15 p.m. Welcome to all delegates
1st Symposium
Depression, mental health and physical health: one problem --- Chairs: Giuseppe Tavormina, Ivan Urlic
03.30 p.m. Depression and physical health, the therapeutic alliance and antidepressants --- Nicolas Zdanowicz1, Ch. Reynaert1, D. Jacques1, B. Lepiece1, T. Dubois1, F. Godenir2, V. Pivont3 – 1)CHU UCL Namur, Mont-Godinne, Belgium. 2) CHU Namur, Hopital St Vincent, 5550 Dinant. Belgium. 3) CHU Namur, Clinique St Elisabeth, 5000 Namur (Belgium)
03.45 p.m. Relationship
between cognitive remediation and evaluation tools in clinical routine -Francesco
Barbara Solomita2,
Pellegrino3, Gino Aldi 4 ---- 1 Consultant
of Mental Health Dept. "Villa
dei Pini" Psychiatric Rehabilitation Centre, Avellino (Italy) -2Psychologist,
Neamente Neuroscience Association, Avellino (Italy) -3Mental
Health Department, ASL Salerno, Nocera Inf (Italy) -4Psychotherapist,
Zetema Association, Caserta (Italy)
04.00 p.m. Perception of continuity of care and communication between psychiatric department and general physician : the alcoholic patient’s point of view --- Pierre Patigny , N. Zdanowicz, B. Lepiece - CHU UCL Namur, Mont-Godinne (Belgium)
04.15 p.m. SSRI
effects on self-injurious, aggressive and behavior disorders in developmental
disabilities - Sandro Elisei, Moreno Marchiafava, Chiara Bedetti
– "Serafico Institute" - Assisi (Italy)
04.30 p.m. Incidence and prevention of deep venous thrombosis in physically restrained patients in psychiatry ---Juan Tecco1, Alexis Therasse1, Adriano D Ventura2, Humberto L Persano2 - 1Hopital Ambroise Paré, Psychiatric Dpt, Mons, Belgium - 2Eating Disorders Unit, Hospital Borda , Ramon Carrillo 375, Cuidad Autonoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
04.45 p.m. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a patient treated with clotiapine --- Clementine Cantin , M. Franco, FX Dekeuleneer, D. Chamart, J. Tecco - Hopital Ambroise Paré, Psychiatric Dpt, Mons (Belgium)
04.55 p.m. Discussion
05.10 p.m. Coffee break
2nd Symposium
Mental health across the lifespan -- Chair:
Nicolas Zdanowicz, Mark Agius
05.30 p.m. Pregnancy denial until the 7th pregnancy's month: a case report -- Denis Jacques1, N. Zdanowicz1, E. Delgrange1, T. Dubois1, A. Maricq2 - 1 CHU UCL Namur, Mont-Godinne, Belgium, 2GHDC, Charleroi (Belgium)
05.45 p.m. Triage of children with mental health difficulties presenting in A&E in a general hospital - Anne Frederique Naviaux – Community Mental Health Centre Summer Hill - Wexford (Ireland)
06.00 p.m. Stressful
events: a retrospective journey into the life of adults with depression; 5 cases
report -
Dominique Tavormina - Clinical Psychologist Center - Bergamo (Italy)
06.15 p.m. Ecosustainability
and mental health - Marilisa
Amorosi – Consultant of Mental Health Dept. - Pescara (Italy)
06.30 p.m. The Precision Psychiatry, an individualized approach to the diseases -- Gianfranco Del Buono – Mental Health Dept - Salerno (Italy)
06.45 p.m. Psychomedical consequences of restrictions of access to unemployment benefits - Gévaudan Thalia De Ruffi de Pontevès, N. Zdanowicz - CHU UCL Namur, Mont-Godinne (Belgium)06.55 p.m. Transient personality disorder induced by a football match --- Miriam Franco , C. Lantin, FX Dekeuleneer, X. Bongaerts, J. Tecco - Hopital Ambroise Paré, Psychiatric Dpt, Mons (Belgium)
07.05 p.m. Self Harm and Suicidality: an audit of follow-up in primary care - ME Ferreira Bruco 1 , C. Gamlin 1 , J.Bradbury,1S.Bill,1C.Armour, M. Agius3-1University of Cambridge, School of Clinical Medicine -2Suffolk Primary Care -3University of Cambridge Department of Psychiatry, Clare College, Cambridge (UK)
07.15 p.m. Discussion
07.30 p.m. End of first day of the congress
November, 16th , friday
3rd Symposium
The psychiatry between biology and neurology (1st part) --- Chairs: Juan Tecco, Gottfried Treviranus
09.30 a.m. Immunity and psychiatric disorders: are the variability of immune biomarkers specific? -- Thomas Dubois, D. Jacques, B. Lepiece, N. Zdanowicz - CHU UCL Namur, Mont-Godinne (Belgium)
09.45 a.m. Sleep
disorders: are they a genetic question? - Giada Juli,
L. Juli – Mental Health Dept. - Catanzaro (Italy)
10.00 a.m. Rewriting
neural pathways to stop depressive distress in a suspended space away from
every day life - Maria Grazia Spurio – Psychotherapist - Roma (Italy)
10.15 a.m. The importance of anxiety in understanding how decision making is affected in autism spectrum disorder - Ankit Chadha, Emmanuel College,
University of Cambridge (UK)
10.30 a.m. Correlation between P300 wave, VCN wave and immunity factors -- Camille Demont, N. Zdanowicz - CHU UCL Namur, Mont-Godinne (Belgium)
10.40 a.m. Discussion
11.00 a.m. Coffee break
4th Symposium
The prejudices in psychiatry --- Chairs: Immacolata d’Errico, Francesco Franza
11.15 a.m. Mental
illness and prejudices in psychiatric professionals - (Data from the social
stigma questionnaire for psychiatric professionals: a multicentre study)
Maurilio GM Tavormina 1– Romina
Tavormina 2– Francesco Franza 3– Antonella Vacca 4
– Wilma Di Napoli 5 --- 1
Mental Health Dept., Naples (Italy) - 2 Centre of Psychology and Psychotherapy, Naples
(Italy) - 3 Neuropsychiatric Center “Villa dei Pini”, Avellino (Italy) - 4
Psychologist consultant for Psychiatic Rehabiltative Communities, Brindisi
(Italy) - 5 Mental Health Dept., Trento (Italy)
11.30 a.m.
Tailoring treatment for
Major Depressive Episode: Lessons learned from the inpatient unit - Alba
Cervone, G. Esposito, G. Cimmino – Mental Health Dept.,
Napoli (Italyy)
11.45 a.m. Involuntary hospitalization and violent behaviors: medical act or social
control? A 3-year retrospective analysis -- Giulia
Menculini, P.
Moretti, N. Verdolini, R. Lanzi, G. Pomili, A. Tortorella – Mental Health Dept , Univ of Perugia (Italy)
12.00 p.m. Mobility
in psychiatry, an alternative to forced hospitalization? -- Gérald Deschietere - Psychiatric Emergency Unit,
Department of Adult Psychiatry, Clinique universitaire Saint Luc, Université
catholique de Louvain, Brussels (Belgium)
12.15 p.m. Unfit to plead : mad or dangerous ? -- Pierre Schepens, V. De Baeremaeker - Clinique de la forêt de Soignes, La Hulpe (Belgium)
12.25 p.m. Does mental healthcare professionals' stereotypes leads to discontinuity of care for migrants patients? -- Brice Lepiece, Th. Dubois, D. Jacques, N. Zdanowicz - CHU UCL Namur, Mont-Godinne (Belgium)12.35 p.m. Is electroconvulsive therapy any more effective than simulated electroconvulsive therapy in treatment-resistant depression? – Alexander Bow – Emmanuel College, Univ. of Cambridge, UK
12.45 p.m A
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder review: the prevalence of
underreporting and the role of stigma in the Military - Hayley
P. Johnson1 -
Mark Agius2 --
School University of Cambridge, Selwyn College
Cambridge (UK) - 2Clare
Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry University of Cambridge (UK)
01.15 p.m. Congress break
5th Symposium
Social networks, eating disorders and artworks -- Chairs: Marilisa Amorosi, Patrizia Moretti
05.00 p.m. The
role of the social networks between a utility and a new addiction -- Annalisa Colucci – Psychologist, Napoli (Italy)
05.15 p.m. Overcoming depression with Dance Movement Therapy: a case report -- Romina Tavormina 1, Maurilio Tavormina 2 --- 1 Centre of Psychology and Psychotherapy, Naples (Italy) - 2 Mental Health Department, Naples (Italy)
05.30 p.m. The suffering body: manipulation and disconfort in eating disorders -- Maria Rosaria Juli –Psychologist , Foggia (Italy) 05.45 p.m. How
artworks can gather unspoken yet deeply felt experiences. Using narrative lab
in daily psychiatric center - Immacolata d’Errico – Psychiatrist and Post-Constructivist Psychotherapist - Bari (Italy)
06.00 p.m. Management of patient with anorexia nervosa -- Carole Jassogne, N. Zdanowicz - CHU UCL Namur, Mont-Godinne (Belgium)
06.10 p.m. Why cyberbullied teenagers remain in contact with their harasser? -- Eugenie Khatcherian, N. Zdanowicz - CHU UCL Namur, Mont-Godinne (Belgium)
06.20 p.m. Discussion
06.45 p.m. End of second day of the congress
08.30 p.m. Gala dinner
November, 17th , saturday
6th Symposium
The Psychiatry and the Arts -- Chairs: Alba Cervone, Romina Tavormina
09.30 a.m. Neuroscience and visual art: moving through empathy to the Ineffable - Mark Agius – Univ. of Cambridge (UK)
09.45 a.m. The use of Music Therapy in the treatment of Mental Illness and the enhancement of Societal Wellbeing - Shentong Wang1 – Mark Agius2 - 1Clare College Cambridge , School of Clinical Medicine University of Cambridge (UK) - 2Clare College Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry University of Cambridge (UK)
09.55 a.m. What is Beauty? Should Doctors point out Beauty to their patients during therapy? - Mark Agius, Clare College Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry University of Cambridge (UK)
10.10 a.m. Does schizo-affective disorder explain the mental illnesses of Robert Schumann and Vincent Van Gogh? -- Yasmeen Cooper, M. Agius – Univ. of Cambridge (UK)
10.20 a.m.
music and multidrug-resistant epilepsy: a potential EEG index of therapeutic
effectiveness - Sandro Elisei, Chiara Bedetti,
Moreno Marchiafava i
– "Serafico Institute" - Assisi (Italy)
10.35 a.m. Discussion
10.50 a.m. Coffee break
7th Symposium
The psychiatry between biology and neurology (2nd part) --- Chair: Mark Agius, Rashid Zaman
11.15 a.m. Tertiary
Syphilis (General Paralysis of the Insane) and Bipolar Disorder; the role of
these two disorders in the life of famous composers -Isabelle
McGill 1
- Mark Agius 2 --- 1 Clare College Cambridge , School of Clinical Medicine University of Cambridge (UK) - 2 Clare College Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry University of Cambridge (UK)
11.25 a.m. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: an overview - Amol Joshi, Emmanuel College Cambridge (UK)
Dementia risk assessment and risk reduction
using cardiovascular risk factors - Anna
McKeever1 - Mark Agius2 3 - 1University
of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine - 2Department
of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge - 3Clare
College, University of Cambridge (UK
a.m. Innovative approaches
to improving the image of psychiatrists and psychiatry amongst
medical students and doctors in the UK - Rashid
Fredrick R Carrick2,4
Ahmed Hankir2,3,4
--- [1] Department of Psychiatry,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge (UK) -[2]
Bedfordshire Centre for Mental Health Research in association with
the University of Cambridge (BCMHR-CU), Cambridge (UK) - [3]
Leeds York Partnership Foundation Trust, Leeds (UK) -[4]
Department of Psychiatry, Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies,
Cape Canaveral, FL (USA)
12.00 p.m. Discussion
12.15 p.m. Congress breakFrom 1.45 pm to 4.30 pm there will be a free tour for delegates at the Franciacorta "Barone Pizzini" winery. Departure by bus from the hotel.
8th Symposium
Bipolar spectrum and bipolarity -- Chairs: Sandro Elisei, Juan Tecco
05.15 p.m. Genius
and madness: between normality and pathology
-- Giuseppe Stranieri – Mental Health Dept. - Catanzaro (Italy)
05.30 p.m. The
persisting sadness, an inclination to become emotional: the case of
inspector Ricciardi gifted with the capacity to feel pain - Marcello Nardini, I. d’Errico - Univ. of Bari (Italy)
05.45 p.m. Depression as a comorbidity of disorder not recognized in adolescence - Ivan Urlic – Univ. of Split (Croatia)
06.00 p.m. A rescue of the appropriative
“thought-action-mood” space: anatomy and
mast cells generate “mixable” dimensions
in language and statistics
- Gottfried R. S. Treviranus - Psychiatrische
Praxis am Unitobler Campus
- Berne
06.15 p.m. Dysphoria as a psychiatric syndrome: a preliminary study for a new transnosographic dimensional approach - Patrizia Moretti, M. Bachetti, T. Sciarma, A. Tortorella – Mental Health Dept., Univ. of Perugia (Italy)
06.30 p.m. How understanding the temperaments can help clinicians to make a correct diagnosis of bipolar mood disorders: 10 case reports - Giuseppe Tavormina – President of Psychiatric Studies Centre - (Provaglio d'Iseo, Brescia - Italy)
06.45 p.m. Discussion
07.15 p.m. End of the congress
08.30 p.m. The dinner of the Friends (everyone likes to take part has to book it during the congress, before the “Gala-dinner”)
- Ethical and Organisational considerations in screening for dementia - Thomas J M Weatherby 1 , Mark Agius2 3 - 1University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, 2Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge - 3Clare College, University of Cambridge (UK)
- The
neuroscience of music: a review and summary - Shentong
Wang1 – Mark
Agius2 - 1Clare College
Cambridge , School of Clinical Medicine University of Cambridge (UK) - 2Clare
College Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry University of Cambridge (UK)
The effect of music therapy sessions on the interactions between
children and their parents and how to measure it, with reference to attachment
theory. -
Shentong Wang1 - Amelia Oldfield2
- 1Clare College Cambridge, School of Clinical Medicine University
of Cambridge (UK) - 2Cambridge Institute for Music Therapy Research
(CIMTR), Anglia Ruskin University (UK)
- The psychology of scars: a mini-review - Millie Ngaage1 – Mark Agius2 - 1Clinical Research Fellow University of Maryland / R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center – Marylan (USA) - 2Clare College Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry University of Cambridge (UK)
- Why might an elderly man stop his medication? - Tanvi Acharya1, Mark Agius2 - 1Emanuel College, Cambridge - 2Clare College, Cambridge – (UK)- Writing poems and capturing photoes can help the psychiatrist to improve his humanity and mental health of the patients? - Giuseppe Tavormina - President of "Psychiatric Studies Center" – Brescia (Italy)
- Dignity therapy: prevention of suicidal risk in the penitentiary area - Mariangela Perito - Psychologist, Neamente Neuroscience Association – Avellino (Italy)
- Aesthetic experience: when emotions become a care - Maria Grazia Spurio - Psychotherapist - Director of educational and psychological center "Genius Academy" – Roma (Italy)
*******************************1) - Every speaker of the “Psychiatric Studies Centre” is a Member of the Association: these speakers will not pay the registration fee. For “Institutional Members” of “Cen.Stu.Psi.”: only the speaker will not pay the registration fee (other Members of the Institutional Member will have to pay a registration fee of € 50).
2) - Any other Congress delegate will have to pay the registration fee (€ 100 – for registration modalities please contact Dr Giuseppe Tavormina: ). The registration fee needs to be payed within October 15th (after this date, the cost will be higher; the onsite registration will be of € 150). For Medical and/or Psychologist students, the early registration fee will be of € 50 (the onsite registration will be of € 100).
3) - The “Gala dinner” of Friday November 16th will have the cost of € 50 (for booking it, please contact Dr Giuseppe Tavormina).
4) - The “Cen.Stu.Psi.”
Association will not cover travel and accomodation costs (the “Iseolago Hotel”
will provide a special prize for delegates for accomodation: please, contact the Hotel by e-mail: ).